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Due to high demand, we are currently working to a 4-5 working day lead time. For any urgent enquiries, please get in touch.

Plastic Shed & Building Bases

Prices From £10.00 Per SQM

The building base kit comprises of, the heavy duty plastic grids themselves, and the heavy duty permeable landscape membrane sheet. Packed carefully into boxes and delivered to your door.

Our toughened plastic shed bases are used for a number of purposes mainly being they act as a solid building base for sheds, log cabins, greenhouses and summerhouses etc, to sit firmly onto.

Deliveries are made by National 24 hour express couriers to provide you with a speedy and efficient service.

The time frame for delivery is usually within 3 working days from order point. Saturday/Sunday and Bank Holidays are not classed in those working days.

Product Code: shedbases


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How much gravel do I need?

With benefits such as being quick and easy to install and easy setting levels, a plastic shed base provides load spreading support to the heavy structures that stand on them.

Our plastic shed bases can also be used for ground grid matting to protect grass areas, driveways and paths in a grass grid effect where vehicles and foot traffic can pass over without any movement and prevents the grass being ruined and gravel is kept neat and tidy.

The grids help to prevent damp getting to the bottom of your buildings, which in turn lengthens the life span of the structure they are supporting and comes with our unique 10-year guarantee (activate your guarantee here).

  • Easy to Install with snap-clip interlocking fixings.
  • Saving you lots of time & money compared to conventional slabs & concrete
  • METRIC SIZES = 500mm x 500mm x 40mm
  • 100’s + tonne load bearing capacity
  • Guaranteed for 10 years
  • Eco friendly plastic shed bases
  • Complies with all regulations, and importantly  S.U.D.S. regulation. (sustainable-urban-drainage-solutions)
  • High strength plastic – high compression test passed.
  • Injection moulded – Plastic mixed rubber for incredible strength and of flexibility
  • Heat and freeze tested – UV stable
  • The elevation of the shed base provides damp prevention air pockets below the garden shed & all buildings

The building base use allows you to lay the Ecodeck onto any surface to lift the building off the ground.

Garden sheds, log cabins, summerhouses, greenhouses, industrial and commercial porta-cabins and much more.

Our grids are also used for ground grid/matting to protect grass driveways and paths in a grass grid effect where vehicle and foot traffic can then pass over without any movement, and which this product stops the grass being ruined and gravel kept tidy and flat.

Additional uses below

  • Home driveways and patio stability for gravel or grass etc.
  • Pathways in chippings or bark etc
  • Emergency service (Fire Access routes)
  • Grass or gravel car parks or temporary over-spill.
  • Service access roads
  • Driveways and residential lawn / gravel parking
  • Railway embankments
  • Slope and embankment reinforcement
  • Melioration ditches
  • Horse stud and paddock use
  • Buggy paths
  • School play area and access routes
  • Garden patios & pathways
  • Grass garden banks
  • Lawn protection
  • French drain effect
  • Trellis planting frames

Please call if you would like any further information 01773 875255 or email us

If you have already purchased one of our products, please activate your warranty here.

What are S.U.D.S

S.U.D.S info

Ecodeck are proud to offer a sustainable solution to SuDS. SuDS are a nature-based solution to drainage problems. They reduce the impact of rainfall, for example by using grassed and other permeable surfaces, creating rain gardens, or building attenuation ponds in order to reduce the potential for surface water or river flooding. The excess rainfall is captured and then slowly filtered into the ground.

how to use

How to use

To start you installation Download the easy-to-follow guide to laying the Ecodeck.

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